
Challenge #3: Prompt

Corona Mandala by Alice George

Challenge #3  Deadline 11:59 pm Tuesday 3/31

SYMMETRY:  Create, arrange or find some representation of symmetry, beautifully defined here. I have found that creating a work with symmetry is engrossing and soothing—finding order in the very real chaos and crisis of our current moment. My example references the COVID-19 Crisis, but yours doesn’t need to.

BTW, if you are interested in creating an abstract, patterned mandala check out this video which leads you through this meditative practice. Great for all ages.

Share as follows (both are great but your choice).

Instagram. Tag with #fourhandscollab #symmetry #artinthetimeofcorona

plus #evanstonmade if appropriate

File upload for web gallery: go here and upload your file (this is a dropbox file request link, no account needed). Any media welcome, including sound files (.mp3) and video (urls from YouTube, Vimeo, Animoto, or Wistia). Title your piece with your name, understanding that title will show in the web gallery.  No text or explanations needed.   

To see the results of Challenge #1: Three Things, visit this web gallery
To see the results of Challenge #2: Corona Rituals that Sustain, visit this gallery.

Questions email me.